Introducing Classopoly

Joi is working with her friend, Kristel, to build Classopoly Education LLC as a start up company with an app that supports classroom management and personal financial literacy. Kristel and Joi used to teach middle school together and Kristel always had fantastic classroom management.

Classopoly is Kristel’s brainchild built upon her years of experience as a middle school social studies teacher. Classopoly supports students learning professional financial literacy standards and reinforces positive student behavior, participation, and performance. We are in the midst of developing our MVP.

We are thrilled to be granted the opportunity to learn and grow with the entrepreneurship@DU program at the University of Denver. Where we have attended free workshops, received a microgrant, won the spring pitch competition, participated in PopUp Palooza, and are currently enrolled in the 2024 BASE Camp Cohort summer accelerator program with other amazing social entrepreneurs.

Learn more about Classopoly